Zutzu an Online Personal Assistant for Finding Local & International Job Launches Prepared to Help Now & Post-Coranvirus Job Searches

Industry: Business

The COVID-19 coronavirus has made employment conditions unexpectedly dire across the world. That said, the fact is as the crisis is resolved the need for many workers to find new employment – and for employers to find quality workers will be more real than ever. The new platform Zutzu can help.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (PRUnderground) April 6th, 2020

The world is facing a challenge quite unlike anything seen for many generations. One place where the COVID-19 coronavirus has hit hard is in the employment sector, with lock downs, quarantines, and social distancing being very widely accepted. The good news is that this period will certainly be behind the world in good time and when it does there is a new tool available to help those looking for employment or employers searching for quality help. Enter Zutzu. Zutzu has announced the launch of its new online personal assistant platform for finding local and international jobs. Zutzu is using an innovative process for qualifying both job searchers and employers and they envision that this will do many businesses, communities and people a great, very valuable service, as national and global economies recalibrate and reset. The early enthusiasm surrounding Zutzu is high and rising.

“Zutzu takes recruitment to the next level by connecting clients with the most suitable candidates,” commented a spokesperson from the company. “Zutzu is more than just software, it’s a lifestyle. This is especially important during this crisis and the coming post-crisis situation.”

Zutzu’s spokesperson continued, “We understand that many employment candidates will have been locked down in their own country and might not be sure about if their work place will be available once European borders are open again. Our advice is to register now, create a profile, and be ready as the situation changes to be able to take advantage of good opportunities as they present themselves.”

According to Zutzu, they will invite thousands of companies to the board two weeks before the boards are opened to send those registered employment offers. This is in addition to workers registered being able to apply for positions themselves.

For employers, the hard fact is many may face having to hire whole new teams once the closures end and they are able operate normally again. Zutzu can help them navigate this challenge by having access to a skilled and eager labour pool of ready to apply and begin working at new jobs as quickly as possible.

Registering for Zutzu is free. The international job board is an innovative, multifaceted AI-based, recruitment services platform that is dedicated to connecting quality employees and employers from all over Europe in true win-win outcomes.

Creating a CV with specific details, locations and salary wanted on the platform is quick and simple. Then the team at Zutzu can review the resume and give valuable advice.

To learn more and register be sure to visit https://zutzu.com.

About Zutzu

The Zutzu Platform is a next-generation Personal Recruitment assistant for local and international jobs. Zutzu allows access to unlimited recruitment opportunities with just a few clicks.

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