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The digital age just got cuter, smarter, and safer for kids thanks to the newest fashionable approach to keeping tabs. Enter, the Track ‘n Play Gen 3 Smartwatch. Created by WeBond Inc., the Apple Watch look-alike for little tikes, and their older siblings is a tracking and location device. Now parents can be connected to their children at all times while they monitor their environments, have two-way communication, and set geo-fencing thanks to an app. Welcome to the new and comprehensive age of parenting.
So how does it work? First, the Track ‘n Play smartwatch has a phone number that can be set to speed dial Mom and Dad. Text or voice messaging, current location and location history, a parent-controlled contact list, and alarms are all on tap too. Kids even have easy access to an SOS button. And should they venture outside their pre-set geo-fencing location parents will immediately receive a notification.
Designed with durability in mind, the child’s smartwatch can also be an alarm for to do lists as well as a keeper of the child’s class schedule. Moreover, parents can track their child’s exercise via the smartwatch’s pedometer.
For more information visit www.webondinc.com.
About WeBond Inc.
WeBond Inc. is based in the Silicon Valley with family safety top of mind.