
Trust Dental Care Clarify the Myth of Getting Cheap Dental Implants in Mexico

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Dr. Cirenia Aparicio Miranda and the Trust Dental Care team, a dental practice in the Tijuana, Mexico, recently published a new blog post that discusses the truth about dental implants abroad. This with the hope that patients can choose wisely when looking for real accurate information when considering dental tourism.

She and her team take us on the a,b,c’s of dental implants in Mexico, from explaining what an implant is and what to look for when considering the option, to safety tips when visiting Tijuana, Mexico for dental work.

The impact your oral health has on the rest of your body is one of those things we don’t think about, but that does not make it any less relevant. Likewise, any work you have done to your teeth can have a grave impact on your health, which I’ll go over shortly. Trust Dental Care understands this completely, so a set of articles in their blog section has been added to allow you to get a better knowledge of the treatments you can undergo when visiting their clinic in Tijuana.

In her blog, Dr. Aparicio Miranda includes tips related to “Holistic Dentistry,” a safer and healthier way to keep your mouth healthy. Includes home remedies and even eating certain foods to help improve your overall health. She hopes that raising awareness of the issues will help motivate some of her patients to take action.

There has been extensive research on the link between oral health and physical diseases. This research has never been as relevant as it is today. Native tribes that still ate their traditional diet had nearly perfect teeth and were almost 100 percent free of tooth decay. Certain diseases were also almost unheard of, such as chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, joints, and skin, the types of diseases currently plaguing our society. Once these tribal populations were introduced to sugar and white flour, their health, and their perfect teeth, rapidly deteriorated.

There’s no doubt that our modern diet has changed the natural health of our teeth and our bodies, and is the cause of nearly all our current health challenges. Today it’s quite rare to find an adult with teeth that have not been marred by dental work of some kind, from mercury amalgams (silver fillings) to crowns, to root canals and bridges and implants.

In this featured article she goes in depth on this subject while also touching on more technical issues like the difference between amalgam fillings and composite fillings. Is of course set to help you make an informed decision before any dental treatment is performed on you, be it with your local doctor or with us.

When it comes to traveling tips for adventurers that want better dental care at the best affordable prices without sacrificing quality, there are specific articles that cover these subjects, and even recommended hotels. Overall, it’s a complete package for you, just one stop with all the information you may need.

About Trust Dental Care

DDS Mexico, Tijuana dental clinic offering affordable dentists in Mexico, saving of 75% on the cost of dental implants compared to average US prices. High quality dental implants in Mexico, and dental tourism reviews.

Trust Dental Care in Tijuana, Mexico combines low cost and high quality of service to make your own Dental Tourism one of the best decisions you can make concerning your dental health.

Another way to extend the benefits of Dental Tourism to Mexico is to make it into a family affair.

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Name: DDS Cirenia Aparicio Miranda
Phone: (844) 848 7878