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Thirty Eight Roses Designs has launched, and the Memphis, Tennessee, based designer and manufacturer offers an authentic, unique line of girls’ dresses.
The Thirty Eight Roses Designs team works to create dresses that will draw out little girls’ personalities. Among the Thirty Eight Roses Design collection are special occasion dresses, custom gifts, and the company’s one-of-a-kind conceal dresses.
The conceal dresses from Thirty Eight Roses Designs offers an interesting, original design that can’t be found elsewhere. When folded up, the fabric creates a cute bag, and when unfolded, girls can enjoy a beautifully designed dress for all occasions. In addition, a special pocket on each dress features fun characters and artwork by kids. The company’s conceal dresses collection includes highly crafted dresses in a variety of sizes. The fabric bag can be converted to a formal dress in moments, offering parents and family members a go-to dress for on-the-go. Thirty Eight Roses Designs has released a video that shows more about their conceal dresses.
The company also provides unique men’s apparel, with emphasis on their “Strong Bond Shirts” for fathers and sons.
According to the company’s owner, the unique apparel and products at Thirty Eight Roses Designs are the result of “the ever churning brain of a mom who always wants to make things better, easier, and more fun”.
Other specialty items at Thirty Eight Roses Designs include lots of customized products.
“It all started with a great idea and a little hard work,” said the Thirty Eight Roses Designs team. “Today we’re proud to provide quality products direct to your doorstep through an experience you’ll enjoy.”
Thirty Eight Roses Designs is excited to announce their launch and looks forward to working with customers across the U.S. and beyond. Shoppers can peruse the complete collection and order online at https://www.thirtyeightrosesdesigns.com.
About Thirty Eight Roses Designs
Thirty Eight Roses Designs offers beautifully designed, unique and fun apparel for girls, including a collection of multipurpose, concealed dresses that can’t be found through any other retailer.