The secrets homeowners should know

Industry: Financial Services

In the real estate market, houses are high in demand. Apartments are being built everywhere. People do not know about Velocity banking and how it works. People are paying for a house that needs work and paying top dollar, not ethical.

Salt Lake City, UT (PRUnderground) April 11th, 2022

Renatus, LLC is a wealth education school system located in Centerville Utah. Founded in 2011 and based on timeless principles of prudent investing with a focus on providing the best up-to-date wealth strategies. Renatus education has been highly effective and offers courses and group studies. Practitioners teach Velocity banking strategies, real estate investing strategies, business, and taxes. Harvard University, Yale University, is their competition. We have practitioners sharing their knowledge with some 15 to 30 plus years.

Designed Wealth Education System

Your job is to provide a secure future for your children. And, that involves teaching them about money. A good place to start is a resource like Renatus System. The founder of this program grew up in bad conditional moments and understands how to design and maintain a successful financial plan from years of experience. He now teaches others how to follow in his footsteps in order to avoid unnecessary struggles later on in life. To learn more about the Renatus wealth education system and what it can do for you and your family.

Building Wealth With Real Estate Investing

Real estate is often heralded as one of, if not THE best way to build wealth. After all, real estate is one of the very few investments that will always have intrinsic value (i.e., people are always going to need a place to live). But most people never take that first step towards buying a property because they don’t know where to start. Fortunately, there are ways to build equity and increase your net worth in real estate without taking on tens of thousands of dollars in debt—and it doesn’t require much time either!

Just Like The Rockefeller’s

If a multigenerational family business is important to you, just follow in Bill Gates’ footsteps. The Microsoft founder and his wife Melinda started giving their three children financial independence when they were all under age 10 by forming Generation Investment Management (GIM). GIM has given each of their kids—Maeve, Rory, and Phoebe—the freedom to invest some of their money however they see fit. While only time will tell if we’ll one day be talking about these offspring as philanthropists on par with Gates himself, it seems like an interesting strategy.

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Leonard Sotelo

W.O.L.1 RE

Contact (801)865-8569


About W.O.L.1

I am an independently contracted marketer. There are not too many families out there that know about this. I think it is crucial for people, and homeowners to be aware of this education system. Get access to a free PDF catalog.

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