Posts Tagged: safetyfilm

Syracuse-based defense company Armoured One releases PSA on school safety, focusing on violent attack education and mental health awareness

Posted filed under Education.

As schools begin to reconvene after a period of prolonged quarantine, students will need to reacclimate to time spent with their teachers and peers. As experts in physical safety, Armoured One is concerned that there is an increased risk of violent attacks in schools. During quarantine, prospective attackers have had more time to prepare for… Read more »

Armoured One is very concerned about the mental state of our school aged children as a result of the COVID quarantine.

Posted filed under Education.

As schools begin to reconvene after a period of prolonged quarantine, students will need to reacclimate to time spent with their teachers and peers. As experts in physical safety, Armoured One is concerned that there is an increased risk of attacks in schools. During quarantine, prospective attackers have had more time to prepare for and… Read more »