Posts Tagged: ahcc research

Dr. Susana Trujillo is a Naturopathic Doctor with great interest in the research of Fucoidan.

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

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If water, and particularly sea water is considered essential to life and to our planet, then all the substances necessary for the development of human beings (minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc.) are of great importance as well. Oceans cover over 70% of Earth, being home to up to 90% of the organisms in the planet…. Read more »

Fucoidan: A Daily Amount of This Food Could Support Damaged Brain Tissue by Dr. Susana Trujillo

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

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A growing body of evidence suggests that regular intake of seaweed may offer great brain benefits. Additionally, Australian researchers have studied the positive effects of seaweed (Fucoidan) in traumatic brain injuries and they have concluded that they can be used to heal damaged brain tissue caused by injury or stroke. What is Traumatic Brain Injury… Read more »

Dr. Susana Trujillo Introduces: Taking Fucoidan (Mozuku, Mekabu & Fucus) Can Support Your Immunity

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

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Vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, polysaccharides, enzymes and probiotics are required for the normal functions of our body, and they work in synergy. All nutrients participate in complex metabolic processes in our body and interact with other nutrients either by enhancing or opposing their action. Their optimal interaction and cellular balance is the basis of health. The… Read more »

THREE Top-Quality Fucoidans (Mozuku, Mekabu & Fucus) to Support Your Immunity by Dr. Susana Trujillo

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

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When it comes to products that enhance the immune system, there are plenty floating around the Internet. But recently, I’ve noticed certain Fucoidan brands are gaining steam. While it’s true that there are some Fucoidan cocktails that don’t offer the ideal amount of Fucoidan for your body, there are other high-quality brands that really stand… Read more »

A Reason for Hope by Dr. Susana Trujillo: Providing Additional Knowledge to Help Improve Your Immune system

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

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Cancer is as unique as each of the affected body tissues and the person who faces it.  Therefore, Dr. Susana’s mission is to help you improve your condition by providing you with additional educational knowledge that will help you reinforce your immune system to fight cancer. Because it is a long process, and more of… Read more »