
switchflip launches crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo

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switchflip is excited to announce the launch of a product crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.  After 2 years of product development, switchflip is available at a discount price when purchased in advance on Indiegogo.  switchflip is a consumer electronics device that lets you control the outlets you want with the switch you already have.  switchflip was designed and developed in Columbus, Ohio. 

Starting on January 3, 2016, The 45-day crowdfunding campaign is now live on Indiegogo with a limited number of units available for as low as $35.  As of 8:00 pm EST on January 3rd, switchflip has achieved 100% of its $10,000 goal.

switchflip is a simple solution to a common problem that lets you control the outlets with the existing wall switch that is standard in most rooms. switchflip can also control multiple outlets when pairing additional receivers. And you can still use the original switch-controlled outlet, too.

Founder and Inventor, Erin Wiggins, said:  “Everyone has experienced the pain of arranging a room only to find that the outlet you want to use is in the wrong spot. We had this problem every time we would move into a new apartment.  That switch-controlled wall outlet always seemed to be in the wrong place.  We heard from so many people that they experienced the same problem.  We wanted to make a product that solved this common problem without the need of an app or using your smartphone.  And now that we’ve designed the product, we made it available first to the people that helped us get here.”  

switchflip has completed product development and will proceed with manufacturing immediately following the campaign.  

Learn more about switchflip at

switchflip campaign on Indiegogo:

About switchflip

switchflip is a product of LAW Enterprises, LLC, a Columbus, Ohio based startup consumer electronics company that makes simple products that solve real problems. LAW Enterprises, LLC was founded in 2015 by husband and wife Erin Wiggins and Adiya Dixon.

switchflip is simple to setup (no wiring or installation). Customers can connect multiple switchflip receivers and control multiple outlets with a single switch. There is no app to download and switchflip will save you hundreds of dollars versus paying an electrician to rewire your outlets. Simple is smart and switchflip is the simplest solution for a smart home.

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Name: Erin Wiggins
Phone: 330-714-3693