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Pure CBD Oil From U.S. Company Awarded Featured Product Status Says CBDReVu.com

Industry: Health & Fitness

New Brunswick, NJ (PRUnderground) August 8th, 2017

An organic pure CBD oil product from an American company has been named the featured CBD oil on the popular cannabidiol review website CBDReVu.com, see here https://cbdrevu.com/

Over the past year or so the best pure CBD oil products have seen tremendous sales growth. This coincides with significant sales growth in both the medical marijuana and recreational marijuana market niches. With each election season more states in the United States are liberalizing their cannabis laws including laws allowing recreational marijuana. Some entire countries are doing the same such as Canada, which is on the verge of full legalization. In the U.S. the rapid pace of ending pot prohibition comes despite significant opposition at the Federal level. Cannabidiol or CBD as it is better known presents an even murkier scenario in term of the legal picture. While pure CBD oil sales are booming there is much controversy and confusion about its legality.

Demand for hemp-based CBD took off in a meaningful way after a 2013 Dr. Sanjay Gupta report on CNN about the apparent success in Colorado of a CBD product that helped a young epileptic girl control her seizures. The product highlighted CW Hemp Charlotte’s Web by the Stanley Brothers. That CNN story caused an immediate interest along with a rise in demand across the United States for CBD products. The report also laid the groundwork for a new industry as a sub-niche of the larger legal marijuana market. Hemp-based CBD products, unlike marijuana strains with high levels of THC can mostly be legally ordered on the internet and shipped across state lines, although controversy and confusion regarding the interpretation of the legal issues exists.

There are a number of young companies coming to market with a variety of CBD oil products, some of them reviewed on CBDReVu.com such as Kannaway Pure CBD, CBDPure and others. The strong growth of the CBD market demonstrates that the extraordinary expanding cannabis industry is much more diverse than just the recreational market, which is based on cannabis products containing THC, the compound that products a euphoric psychoactive effect. As a results of CBD’s perceived wide range of potential health and nutritional related benefits, the CBD segment of the industry is experiencing parallel rapidly expanding growth. Hemp derived CBD, or cannabidiol products rocketed from almost zero to approximately $90 million in 2015. Factoring in cannabis related CBD products bumps that figure by another $112 million bringing the estimated market total for year 2015 to a stunning $202 million. But more impressive yet was year 2016 when the total sales of CBD related products hit a staggering $688 million. Of that impressive figure, it is estimated that $130 million came from hemp derived cannabidiol while the remaining $558 million came from cannabis derived CBD. A new report from the Hemp Business Journal is projecting that the CBD market could reach $2.1 billion by year 2020 with close to a quarter ($450 million) of that coming from hemp and the rest from cannabis. Another industry expert is predicting CBD sales of $3 billion by 2021.

About CBDReVu.com

CBDReVu.com is based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA and writes about CBD products.

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