Positivesingles.com: Best cities for STD singles to seek for date in 2018
Industry: Health & Fitness
New York dominates, San Diego, CA with most female chance, Seattle and Austin best for HSV singles
New York City (PRUnderground) February 9th, 2018
The largest dating site for STD singles, Positivesingles.com released the rank of best cities for dating people with STDs in 2018. As the leading company in the industry, the website’s ranking is worth authority. The rank by U.S. cities are in 6 main categories: Most STD users, Most male STD users, Most female STD users, Most HSV-1 users, Most HSV-2 users and Most HIV users.
Rounding out the top for most STDs is New York City: it dominates in 5 lists of the total 6 including most STD singles, most men with STD, most STD ladies, most singles with HSV-1, and most HIV singles, followed by Houston and Chicago. Atlanta, which ranks 5th in most STD users, has the 3rd highest rate of singles using online dating sites and mobile dating apps. San Diego, CA, ranks only 7th for males but gets 4th with most females. The Bronx District of New York is not even in the top ten for male STD users, but ranks as highly as 6th for most ladies with STD. Similarly, Chicago and Brooklyn are shown with higher females ranking than males as well. The 5 most popular cities for STD dating are New York, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Brooklyn and Dallas, all of which are in top 10 of all 6 categories.
For the best overall chances of finding someone with a comparable STD, Philadelphia has an equal ranking of male and female STD daters. Along with New York and Houston, these three cities are whose female and male users rank exactly the same.
“People with STD are extremely hard to build social connections and are urgent to acquire data based on locations. We ran metadata based on certain criteria in our database and summarize the rank by cities.” Says Jenelle Marie, the spokesperson of Positivesingles.com, “For privacy protection concerns, we decide not to put out the total number of our users in each district, but the ranking is based on real statistical collection of our real active users.”
Concerning certain specific STDs such as HSV singles, people who have HSV-1 will find their chances are virtually the same as all top ten cities have almost same ratio of HSV-1 users. Those with HSV-2 will find Seattle and Austin to be in the tops for their options. There are nearly half of single men and women users in these two cities declared to have HSV-2.
“Courtship for HSV singles have unique rules.” Says Jenelle, “People usually tend to seek for mate with same kind of disease. Then we count the city rank specifically with HSV-1, HSV-2. And the case is similar to HIV singles who would prefer meet people with HIV.”
HIV users are the second largest group of users in STD dating community of Positivesingles.com. The top cities of most users are almost the same with total STD users rank, Los Angeles replace Chicago with the 2nd place, and Miami appears in the 10th.
Those who are interested in learning more about meet people with herpes, HIV and HPV should visit https://www.positivesingles.com/.
About PositiveSingles.com
About PositiveSingles.Com:
PositiveSingles.com is a dating website since 2002. Until 2018, the site has more than 1.3 million active STD-positive singles and more than 60,000 successful dating pairs on its website, IOS and Android apps. The site also provides its users with disease related support, mental and psycho inspiration sharing, with systematic level profile-privacy-protection techniques. No matter people are living with HSV-1, HSV-2 or HIV or other STDs, they will easily find many single men, women or LGBTQ with same STDs nearby. Meet love and find support without worries on Positivesingles.com