New Pallergy Drops Provide Steroid-Free Allergy Relief for Dogs

Industry: Family & pets

Steroids offer temporary allergy relief in dogs but also pose health risks. Pallergy oral immunotherapy drops are safer and work longer term.

Dallas, Texas (PRUnderground) July 14th, 2016

Allergies can make a dog’s life miserable, but new Pallergy drops provide a steroid-free solution that treats the underlying allergy-not just its symptoms-for lasting results.

Though steroids are often the treatment of choice for dog allergy symptoms, they can be hard on a pet’s body. Pallergy drops are made up of nature-based antigens and are free of the side effects of synthetic medications.

Pallergy drops work like allergy shots for dogs, but they are easier to administer. Pet owners can simply dispense them into the pet’s mouth where cells carry them into the bloodstream.

Like allergy shots, Pallergy drops are a form of immunotherapy-the only treatment shown through research to actually alter underlying allergic disease. When pets stop taking antihistamines and steroids, allergy symptoms often return, but allergy immunotherapy can reverse allergic disease long term.

Dr. Stuart Agren, Pallergy founder, said that the dog allergy drops are especially effective in putting an end to the itchy skin rashes that nearly always accompany allergies.

“It’s very exciting for pet parents to be able to wean their animals off of antihistamines and steroids without their pets’ skin problems coming back,” said Dr. Agren. “They can finally regenerate a healthy coat of fur.”

Skin-related allergy conditions-known as atopic dermatitis or atopy-can result in constant itching and paw chewing. Dogs often develop bald patches and “hot spots”-raised, red swollen areas that can bleed and become infected.

While steroids are often a low-cost way to treat allergy symptoms, they can cause side effects like weight gain in the short term and high blood pressure, kidney disease, and skin and bladder infections in the long term.

Pallergy drops are available by prescription from veterinarians across the country. After assessing the dog’s medical history, the allergy veterinarian will usually perform allergy testing before recommending treatment. Pallergy drops are also effective for cat and horse allergy treatment.

About Pallergy

Pallergy offers sublingual immunotherapy drops for pets with allergies. The daily oral drops allow for injection-free, steroid-free allergy treatment of hot spots, itching, and atopic dermatitis. Allergy veterinarians can now prescribe Pallergy drops to help horses, cats and dogs achieve lasting allergy relief.

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