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In an effort to minimize exposure to COVID-19, a majority of school districts stopped conducting in-person staff development. In a continued effort to keep schools safe, not only from violent attack scenarios but also from COVID-19, ONE (Our Nation’s Experts) Training is now being offered online.
As the country locked down and classrooms and public places emptied this spring, there was speculation that one silver lining of the pandemic would be fewer large-scale attacks. But that wish was short lived. May of 2020 saw the highest number of mass attacks recorded since 2013.
Experts in psychology and law enforcement are expecting a rise in mass violence in schools due to the stress of both the pandemic and statewide quarantines. Teens in particular have been exposed to more unsupervised screen time, and have become more isolated over the past eight months creating a breeding ground for troubled students to plan out violent attacks.
“It’s only a matter of time before this pandemic of mass violence spills back into our schools,” says Tom Czyz founder of ONE Training. “It’s critical to prepare for the unthinkable. ONE Training offers customized programs that tailor the training to specific roles to ensure comprehensive preparedness at every level.”
School administrators are looking for online alternatives to meet the needs of their staff and students. Violent attack preparedness training for staff is a priority for them. With ONE Training online courses available, administrators can keep their staff safe in more ways than one.
ONE training is made up of violent attack experts, former Navy SEALS, Delta Force Officers, SWAT Operators, FBI Agents, Law Enforcement, and teachers. One Training’s specialized programs have been provided to hundreds of schools that are unable to afford it in the form of a 501(c)(3) donation. They are also sponsors of the National Safety Security Protection Association (NSSPA), which hold summits at the Armoured One Headquarters in a long-term effort to make violent attack codes as necessary as fire codes in schools. Armoured One and ONE Training founder Tom Czyz is opposed to staging realistic or frightening training sessions or drills and they do not include students in the program. Studies have shown that nearly 83% of attackers on schools are current or former students.
Click here to learn more about ONE Training www.trainingone.org
About Armoured One
Armoured One is dedicated to one mission, “Our Mission is to provide real-world solutions to save lives from violent attacks.” We are founded by a SWAT Operator who is partnered with Subject Matter Experts from FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security, NYS Homeland Security, Navy Seals, Delta Force Operators, and Detectives who have been studying attacks since 1985. We understand that each attack is unique and because of this, we have developed specialized products and training to meet the separate needs of k-12 schools, higher education, businesses, government, health care, and religious organizations. Our solutions are dictated by each attacker’s actions in current and past attacks. This information is utilized to be proactive against such threats.