
MMA Clothing Websites Gear Up For Cyber Monday Online Shopping

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MMA clothing websites have exploded in growth on Cyber Monday and throughout the year. Online shopping for Cyber Monday was created by the U.S. National Retail Federation in 2005 to use on its own website.

MMA Clothing is part of the mix of the Cyber Monday phenomenon. Records show that Tuesday, December 9  was the largest online shopping day in 2008 and Tuesday, December 15 was the largest in 2009. Everything changed in 2010 with intense marketing for Cyber Monday. The first Monday after Thanksgiving has now taken the number one spot for online shopping glory. Cyber Monday 2010 broke the billion dollar mark for online shopping the first time with a reported $1.02 billion in sales. Brian H. Campbell, the President and innovator of MMA PEST, said “We are excited about our prospects for Cyber Monday for many years to come.”

ComScore reported Cyber Monday 2011 online spending to be $1.25 billion breaking the previous years record.

MMA clothing companies are part of the growth with mixed martial arts being the fastest growing sport in the world. MMA t-shirts, hoodies, jerseys, sweatshirts and hats are at the top of the online shopping list for many MMA fans. The overall U.S. sports apparel market is approximately $12 billion a year. Two MMA apparel companies alone account for over $300 million in annual revenue. There are many other quality MMA clothing lines with total MMA apparel revenue amassing over one half billion dollars a year.


is one of the newest MMA clothing companies gearing up for Cyber Monday. MMA PEST uses the secure services of Zazzle, one of the largest sellers of online apparel in the world. Zazzle allows thousands of small businesses and individuals to use their online shopping services and they ship to over 100 countries worldwide.

PEST is an acronym for Power, Endurance, Speed and Technique the four attributes of a great mixed martial artist. These qualities are easily recognizable by MMA fans, commentators and the fighters themselves. There is a page for each of the four attributes with examples of MMA combat fighters that excel in Power, Endurance, Speed or Technique. The Forum allows fighters and fans to list their favorite combat fighters with the attributes.

The MMA PEST clothing line is a perfect compliment to an MMA fighter or fan and includes a fierce snakes head in the logo.



MMA PEST is a Mixed Martial Arts blog with MMA Clothing, News and our own Top 10 Power Rankings. PEST is an acronym for the 4 attributes of a great combat sports fighter – Power, Endurance, Speed and Technique. Interesting biography info on your favorite warrior via links include stats, records, fighting styles and more.

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