Making Business Matter Ltd (MBM) helped Factory Employee Engagement Improved by +20% at Hilton Foods plc

Industry: Business

Employee Turnover in Factories is Preventable Senior teams don’t know how to use the data obtained from employee engagement surveys to better engage people. This problem can be solved by implementing P3.

Thame, Oxford, United Kingdom (PRUnderground) November 5th, 2018

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Hilton Foods plc was able to improve its factory employee engagement by more than 20% by implementing Positive Production People (P3). A structured programme designed by Making Business Matter Ltd (MBM) to help companies improve employee engagement by listening to their personnel and investing in their development, as well as implementing a reward and recognition scheme.

According to the Dale Carnegie Training Employee Engagement Study, 69% of disengaged employees would leave their current job for only a 5% pay increase. Actively disengaged employees are almost twice as likely as engaged employees to look for new jobs. They cause companies to lose between $450 and $500 billion a year. Happy employees, on the other hand, take 10 times fewer sick days and are 12 times more productive than unhappy employees. Senior teams, however, don’t know how to use the data obtained from employee engagement surveys. The Work Institute’s 2017 Retention Report: Trends, Reasons & Recommendations stated that 75% of employee turnover are preventable.

P3 is a three-year people engagement programme that is ideal for factories with over 250 employees. The programme is composed of seven stages. The first stage deals with identifying the level of people engagement required for three years. This requires the senior team to meet with a cross-section of learners and the stakeholders to analyse the data gathered from employee engagement surveys and to determine insights and their objectives. The second stage involves creating a communication plan that creates the platform to realize the objectives set in the first stage. Stage three requires the learners to attend MBM’s Masterclasses to develop teamwork, feedback and coaching.

The fourth stage is all about adapting MBM’s Sticky workbooks so that the learners can use what they have learned from their classes. Stage five involves implementing a reward and recognition scheme that emphasizes and implants the right behaviours in employees. P3’s sixth stage is about understanding if the programme has achieved the company’s agreed targets. This will require them to re-do people engagement surveys and assess the results for negatives and positives. The last stage is all about using the learning from year one to build years two and three. Companies use the engagement surveys to steer years two and three towards better people engagement to improve their productivity and growth.

About Making Business Matter:

Making Business Matter was established by Darren A. Smith. He worked at a large UK supermarket as a Category Manager for 12 years. MBM works with suppliers to the big four UK supermarkets and focuses on providing training to retailer facing people such as supply chain personnel, Category Managers, Account Managers, and NPD teams. Making Business Matter provides training on engaging factory employees in food production sites. The company uses a unique training method called Sticky Learning ® to help businesses improve employee engagement and secure more profitable wins.

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