
ISSCA to Conduct Regenerative Medicine Certification Training in Buenos Aires, November 26 – 27

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The International Society for Stem Cell Application (ISSCA), a global leader in regenerative medicine training, has announced plans to conduct regenerative medicine certification training for physicians in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 26 – 27, 2017.
The ISSCA training course, available to qualified physicians interested in adding regenerative medicine to their practice procedures, provides hands-on, practical instruction under the guidance of trained medical experts in a highly visual, interactive, and clinical learning environment.

.ISSCA’s medical professionals teach reintegration and procedural techniques on live patients using different protocols for isolating stem cells. Trainees will participate in different medical cases under the supervision of trained specialists. 

This hands-on stem cell training course provides each participant with a live demonstration of the extraction, isolation, and application of PRP, adipose, and bone marrow stem cells. Techniques and materials used in the course, along with high-resolution, step-by-step procedure videos are provided for the participating physician’s future use and reference.  
Led by ISSCA’s established team of skilled practitioners, this course is designed specifically to provide personalized instruction. Seats for each course are limited to 8-10 trainees, not only to suit each participant’s individual training needs but also to allow for professional networking.

Participants who complete the training will receive certification that documents their participation in and completion of the training, their and their knowledge and skills in the field of regenerative medicine. Certification candidates are required to provide proof of prior medical training and experience, and successfully complete a written as well as an oral/practical exam. Certification confirms a physician’s expertise in regenerative medicine.

​Certification procedures and requirements are key to the integrity of regenerative medicine. They furnish a reputable credential that is essential not only for patients to see, but also to a physician’s practice.

About International Society for Stem Cells Applications

The International Society for Stem Cells Applications (ISSCA) is a multidisciplinary community of scientists and physicians, all of whom aspire to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through advances in science, technology, and the practice of regenerative medicine. Incorporated under the Republic of Korea as a non-profit entity, the ISSCA is focused on promoting excellence and standards in the field of regenerative medicine.

ISSCA bridges the gaps between scientists and practitioners in Regenerative Medicine. Their code of ethics emphasizes principles of morals and ethical conducts.

At ISSCA, their vision is to take a leadership position in promoting excellence and setting standards in the regenerative medicine fields of publication, research, education, training, and certification. ISSCA serves its members through advancements made to the specialty of regenerative medicine. They aim to encourage more physicians to practice regenerative
medicine and make it available to benefit patients both nationally and globally.

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