
Happy Task App Launches to Pull Global Double Duty One Little “Job” at a Time

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Whoever said social media couldn’t actually be used for social good?  It wasn’t the creators of the newly launched HappyTask app.  Just like the helpfulness it stands for, the app’s mission is simple: “Make the world a better & happier place, one person at a time.” First, use it to meet like-minded, big-hearted friends by posting or doing a task like planting a tree, cleaning a beach, or walking a dog.  It’s simple enough.  But, like a fun to-do list, the app doesn’t stop there.  With every $0.99 monthly subscription, plastic waste in third world countries is given the adios simply by using happiness as fuel.  

To date, Happy Task has created partnerships and taken steps to set up recycling centers in Peru, Myanmar, and Indonesia.  With a point-based system that rewards users who are active in the community, completed tasks rate two points.  Points are also collected with each creation of a task, and on goes the friendly challenge.  Those who subscribe have unlimited access to all tasks.  It’s kindhearted, altruistic, and designed to inspire.

David Levy, co-founder of HappyTask, said of the app’s mission: “Most people in first world countries check their phones over 100 times a day. I often fall victim to this myself; we struggle with severe screen addiction.  HappyTask aims to put the social back in social media. However, in third world countries, they struggle with a build-up of trash that they often burn to get rid of. They don’t know the harmful effects this has on them and the environment.  If enough people join HappyTask for less than a dollar a month, we can truly make a change all by just having some fun. It feels good to give back. There’s a sense of happiness and pride that comes along with knowing you are making a difference.”

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About Happy Task

HappyTask operates as a non-profit organization that gives back to the community by using its proceeds to help educate and clean underdeveloped parts of the world. 

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Name: David & Natasha Levy
Phone: +1 (818) 645-5707