International Society for Stem Cells Applications

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Global Stem Cells Group Invited to Speak at Jornadas Mediterraneas Conference.

Industry: Healthcare

ISSCA doctors to serve as keynote speakers at international conference and will host an additional stem cells course in Barcelona.

Miami Lakes, FL (PRUnderground) March 11th, 2019

The International Society for Stem Cell Application (ISSCA), a multi-disciplinary community of scientists and physicians collaborating to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through science, technology, and regenerative medicine, has accepted an invitation to speak at the XXVIIas Jornadas Mediterraneas de Confrontaciones Terapeuticas en Medicina y Cirugia Cosmetica in Barcelona. The conference will be held on May 23-25, 2019 at the Hotel Barceló Sants, with experts from ISSCA leading the keynote session on May 25th. Following the conference on May 26th,, ISCCA doctors will also be hosting a one-day stem cells course for practitioners of regenerative medicine.

Dra. Maritza Novas of the United States and Dr. Leopoldo Parada of Chile will be speaking on behalf of ISSCA about new therapies based on allogenic compounds such as amniotic liquid, Wharton’s jelly, cord blood, and exosomes and how they present exciting new treatment opportunities for those practicing regenerative medicine.

Drs. Novas and Parada will shed light on new advances in allogenic compound research and share details with regenerative medicine practitioners on how allogenic compounds are safe treatment options for their patients, as they must pass through rigorous quality control in labs before being shipped to medical offices. Additionally, independent tests show that allogenic compounds have better cellular counts than other biological matter. Doctors currently using allogenic compounds have also reported faster treatment times associated with allogenic protocols, citing a 15-minute turnaround time versus 2 hours required to obtain stem cells from their patients.

After completing their keynote talk at Jornadas Mediterraneas, Drs. Nova and Parada will be leading a one-day stem cells seminar to discuss in further detail allogenic compound clinical applications and the latest clinical trials. The seminar will wrap up with a live patient demonstration.

ISSCA has attended Jornadas Mediterraneas for the last six years. It is a premier conference in the medical community attracting more than 500 doctors from across the globe each year.

To learn more about ISSCA and all of their upcoming and past events, visit

About International Society for Stem Cells Applications

The International Society for Stem Cells Applications (ISSCA) is a multidisciplinary community of scientists and physicians, all of whom aspire to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through advances in science, technology, and the practice of regenerative medicine. Incorporated under the Republic of Korea as a non-profit entity, the ISSCA is focused on promoting excellence and standards in the field of regenerative medicine.

ISSCA bridges the gaps between scientists and practitioners in Regenerative Medicine. Their code of ethics emphasizes principles of morals and ethical conducts.

At ISSCA, their vision is to take a leadership position in promoting excellence and setting standards in the regenerative medicine fields of publication, research, education, training, and certification. ISSCA serves its members through advancements made to the specialty of regenerative medicine. They aim to encourage more physicians to practice regenerative
medicine and make it available to benefit patients both nationally and globally.

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