Entreprincess Founder, Elena Herdieckerhoff’s TEDx Talk Garners Overnight Attention
Industry: Business
Meant to bring attention to the superpowers of sensitive types, Elena Herdieckerhoff’s TEDx talk “The Gentle Power of Highly Sensitive People” has gone viral with over 24k views in under 2 weeks.
Paris, France (PRUnderground) July 8th, 2016
Emanating the strongest qualities that make being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) an asset, Entreprincess founder & CEO, Elena Herdieckerhoff set a new tone at May 21st’s TEDx IHEParis. A part of the Beyond Our Limits event, the mentor for highly sensitive people gave those “born to be mild” hope. How so? By rallying for a deeper social appreciation of empathy, intuition, and creativity. Already garnering over 24k views, Elena’s “The Gentle Power of Highly Sensitive People” asserts that great success is at the behest of those strong enough to embrace their sensitive side.
Giving insight on psychology, emotional intelligence, and socially conscious entrepreneurship, Elena has set a new bar. She sets her sights on changing the prevalent cultural narrative around highly sensitive people. The empathic mentor asserts that HSP’s are a much-needed temperature regulator in a hotheaded world. Endorsing change in key venues like schools and workplaces, the TEDx talk says that the gentle nature and contribution of HSP’s should be honored. It is high time to stop portraying them as ‘fragile creatures’ that need to toughen up.
Applauding the inherent HSP traits of compassion, deep intuition, and authenticity, she is passionate about bringing awareness of this trait to the entrepreneurial world. She says: “Running a business is a vulnerable experience for anyone, but especially for a sensitive person. With help, HSP’s can learn to ‘make friends’ with their sensitive side to naturally leverage their innate strengths and overcome their limiting beliefs. I’m an HSP. And I’m honored to share what I’ve learned on my own success journey dealing with High Sensitivity in an environment that typically favors the bold hustlers.”
To that end, the HSP powerhouse with the genteel nature offers mentoring, online courses, a membership community, and events for highly sensitive business owners. The award-winning founder and serial entrepreneur is available for private consultations as well.
For more information visit www.entreprincess.com.
Direct link to Elena Herdieckerhoff TEDx talk: https://www.entreprincess.com/tedx-talk.html. To visit the Entreprincess YouTube channel visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1DCuvT47t556CfZe9GV2A.
About Entreprincess
Elena Herdieckerhoff is the Founder and CEO of Entreprincess and is a mentor for highly sensitive and empathic entrepreneurs. She is a graduate of the Sorbonne (DEUG), University College London (B.A.) and the London School of Economics (MSc). She is passionate about HSP entrepreneurship, French literature, organic living, Reiki, and spirituality.