
Consumers Favor Pure CBD Oil With No Extra Unnecessary Ingredients Says CBDReVu

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One of the most popular top-selling CBD products in the U.S. is a pure CBD oil brand that features verified pure CBD with no added unnecessary ingredients, see here

The brand offers two product categories including a Softgel capsule, as well as a pure CBD oil in three different strengths. More and more consumers in search of the best CBD products are favoring products that have minimal ingredients. It seems there are new CBD brands coming to market monthly and the CBD marketplace is getting crowded as more and more companies try to cash in on a product niche buoyed by intense consumer interest. Many of the newer brand offerings seem to be trying to distinguish themselves from the competition by offering CBD products with numerous extra ingredients as well as flavorings and sweeteners.

But for the handful of well-established CBD companies that were there in the beginning before the public clamoring for CBD began, these companies often offer simple products featuring only the extracted CBD in a carrier olive, and nothing else. That seems to be a favorite choice for many discriminating consumers. There are a number of reasons why many consumers choose products with a minimal amount of ingredients including the risk of side effects from any additional ingredients.

CBDReVu has become a leading information warehouse for consumers seeking to compare and select high quality CBD products in a quick and convenient format. Consumers do fast brand comparisons at a glance for most of the top selling CBD products including well-known brands.

The popularity of CBD has created fertile ground for a number of unscrupulous operators taking advantage of the substantial public interest in CBD. The CBD landscape includes companies promoting simple hemp seed oil as if it were CBD oil. Hemp seed oil, often labeled as hemp oil, is being promoted by some companies touting potential benefits similar to what is seen on advertisements for authentic CBD products. It should first be remembered that hemp seeds do not contain CBD therefore hemp seed oil is not the same as CBD oil. Additionally it is completely inappropriate for companies offering authentic CBD to tout health benefits because the evidence of any perceived benefits is mostly speculative and not supported by actual scientific research and studies. On this latter subject, many companies offering authentic CBD products are stepping over an ethical line that is inappropriate at best and sometimes outright fraudulent. Not to mention the FDA has strict rules prohibiting the use of unproven health claims on these products and on other products in the nutritional supplements category. So, consumers should do a reasonable degree of homework before buying CBD products. Remember that hemp oils sold in supermarkets and on Amazon are mostly made from just hemp seeds and hemp seeds do not contain any CBD. So it is very likely some consumers are purchasing hemp oil or hemp seed oil under the mistaken impression they are buying CBD. advises consumers to always consult with a licensed physician and pharmacist before taking any nutritional supplements including CBD supplements especially for persons on any medications or with underlying medical conditions, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

CBDReVu is an A+ Rated Better Business Bureau Accredited informational website founded in 2017 featuring brand profiles of popular CBD products.

About is based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA and writes about CBD products.

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