
CBD Oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil- Buyer Beware For Consumers Shopping For CBD Says

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Hemp oil is not CBD oil. But, there is much confusion caused by the misbranding of hemp oil and hemp seed oil as CBD oil. There is substantial consumer interest in CBD and many new cannibidiol products are coming to market on a regular basis. But there is much confusion confronting consumers as they attempt to find legitimate, authentic CBD products, says, a leading CBD news and product review destination, see here

At this time, CBD oil is not sold on Amazon or for that matter in Whole Foods stores. Amazon seller rules specifically prohibit the sale of CBD products as is explained on the CBDReVu blog. But there are a number of very expensive hemp oil products for sale there, which may or may not contain CBD. Some of this confusion may be intentional as some companies offering authentic CBD oil products attempt to skirt Amazon’s rules, which do not permit the sale of CBD. However, on the flip side there could be expensive hemp oils being sold that have little or no CBD. Consumers who buy hemp oil products without a clear indication that the product contains CBD are essentially spending money on a leap of faith. Without full disclosure on the product’s labeling it is difficult to determine whether or not the product contains CBD, so advises consumers to carefully read ingredients labels before buying any product as well as looking for evidence of authenticity such as an independent labs’ verification of ingredients.

Another issue that can be a source of confusion when shopping for the best pure CBD oil is products that some products label themselves as ‘hemp extract’ without any indication that the product contains any CBD. While CBD oil is a compound that is extracted from hemp, there are a number of other possible substances that could be extracted from hemp. Again, unless there is a clear indication that the extracted substance in the so-called ‘hemp extract’ product is CBD, consumers would be well advised to do some research before purchasing such products in order to better ensure they are getting authentic CBD. In 2014 The Hemp Industry Association and stated that … “CBD is not a product or component of hemp seeds, and labeling to that effect is misleading and motivated by the desire to take advantage of the legal gray area of CBD under federal law.” So, the takeaway is that consumers should not be confused into thinking that hemp oil, hemp seed oil or hemp extract is necessarily CBD oil.

On consumers can find reviews and star system ratings of most of the popular CBD oil products such as CBDPure, CW Hemp, Endoca and many others. In addition to posting reviews of the most popular CBD products for human consumption, CBDReVu has recently added a new section with reviews of CBD oil for dogs and other pets.

CBDReVu advises consumers to avoid products that make health claims about their products since any potential nutritional or health benefits are speculative until proven by scientific research, and are therefore inappropriate at this time. further advises consumers to always consult with a licensed physician and pharmacist before taking any nutritional supplements including CBD supplements especially for persons on any medications or with underlying medical conditions, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

About is based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA and writes about CBD products.

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