Cricket as a sport has OLD English origins dating back to the 1400’s. Based on how the term “the empire where the sun never sets” goes, cricket moved up to high status in British high society colonial social circles quickly upon its introduction by the native peoples of British occupation at the time. It is… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Non Profit & Charity
The Sound Of A Billion Crickets – How Southern California Junior Cricket Is Set To Take US Youth By Storm In 2019.
Southern California Junior Cricket, (SCJC), is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that has played a leading & integral role, in the introduction and promotion of, youth sports and Junior Cricket in Southern California throughout its 17-year history. As the leading US’s children’s athletics advocates and cricket sponsors and event organizers in the United States have big… Read more »
Gospel for Asia Partners Participated in Serving Others on World Food Day
October 16, 2018, was the 38th annual World Food Day, a date set apart in 1945 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The purpose of World Food Day is to draw attention to the efforts to alleviate hunger around the world with a focus on achieving its elimination by 2030…. Read more »
Cyber Bytes Foundation Event Features Marine Intel Schools Commanding Officer
The Cyber Bytes Foundation’s Fall Series Networking final Event of 2018 will feature Colonel Randy Pugh, Commanding Officer of Marine Corps Intelligence Schools. The event is being held on Thursday, October 25th at 1000 Corporate Drive #119 Stafford, VA 22554. It will feature a presentation from Col. Pugh about the interdependence of cyberspace operations and… Read more »
With a simple bar of soap, Gospel for Asia helps to improve the lives of those on the margins
How a simple bar of soap can improve the lives of those on the margins A simple bar of soap is making a big difference in the lives of people in impoverished communities across Asia. Distributed by GFA-supported (Gospel for Asia) workers, it is the centerpiece of a hygiene awareness drive that improves the health… Read more »