Posts Categorized: Non Profit & Charity

Local Miami Charity, The Virgin Mary Foundation, creates “Baggy Program” to provide Foster Cares with Essentials for kids and teenagers

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

The Virgin Mary Foundation inaugurated their Baggy Program by donating 20 equipped duffle bags to the His House Children’s Home for the incoming children and teenagers of December in the foster system. Since 2018, The Virgin Mary Foundation has served the community and helped foster cares in Miami in various ways.  In early December 2021, they inaugurated… Read more »

Driving Successful Lives Delivers Turkeys to Salvation Army for Holiday Food Distribution

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

Driving Successful Lives, A local nonprofit 501 C3 took the time to donate 50 turkeys to the Salvation Army for holiday meals and feeding the hungry. “Supporting the Salvation Army is a key initiative of our organization” said Director Mark Maupin. “We have seen countless people over the years benefit from the service and the… Read more »

Driving Successful Lives Pitches in to Help Salvation Army During Kettle Bell Fundraise

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

Driving Successful Lives, 501 C3 a nonprofit agency participated and supported the Salvation Army in their annual Kettle Bell Fundraising initiative. Every year the Salvation Army stands outside of approved retail locations to except donations for all of the programs and people that are in need of services. “It warms our heart to know that… Read more »

Driving Successful Lives a Michigan charity and Nonprofit 501(c)(3) provided a vehicle and transportation to and individual in need

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

Driving Successful Lives a Michigan charity and Nonprofit 501(c)(3) provided a vehicle and transportation to and individual in need. A local woman called the charity to indicated she would like to be put on the waiting list because her car broke down and she had no vehicle or transportation to get her to and from… Read more »

Driving Successful Lives Helps to Make Single Mom’s Dream Come True for Her Child’s Birthday

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

Driving Successful Lives, a local nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity makes dreams come true for a Jewish single mother. “Family and faith are part of our lives, along with food. It was freezing but my son was able to have the birthday party he wanted during Covid because Driving Successful Lives stepped up and brought this train”… Read more »