Posts Categorized: Health & Fitness

Autumn DNA Recommends Vitamins Backed by Science and Personalized for Every Customer

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

When science and genetic makeup support the vitamins one takes, there is no room for doubt that the person is getting the best possible supplements for their health. Autumn DNA has a simple yet extremely thorough process that allows health-conscious individuals to stop seeking random advice from pseudo-experts and start taking what’s best for their… Read more »

Bloom Hemp Acquires Poppy Willow Pet Products To Provide The Highest Quality Hemp Products In The Market

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

Along with doctors and veterinarians, Bloom Hemp and Poppy Willow have teamed up to provide not only the highest quality hemp products for people but also for pet animals. Through Bloom Hemp’s acquisition of Poppy Willow Pet Products, pet owners can now purchase high quality, pet-focused, veterinary-formulated products focused on animal wellness. While most pet… Read more »

Mental health concerns likely to linger even with mass vaccination and a post-COVID recovery: CBD edibles widely seen as an easy way to reduce stress explains JustCBD

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

In the last two months, more than 32 million people have been vaccinated in the United Kingdom. Even with the hope of better days ahead and an end to the pandemic on the horizon, record numbers of people are experiencing anxiety, depression and other mental health symptoms. Physicians and mental health professionals warn that a… Read more »

JustCBD provides industry-leading variety of CBD gummies

Posted filed under Health & Fitness.

We customize our coffee. We take pride in knowing the exact origins, flavors and subtle differences to expect from our chocolate bars and we have a preferred tea blend from our favourite local shop. So why shouldn’t our CBD be a personal experience as well? Thanks to JustCBD’s multitude of gummies, formats, shapes and flavors,… Read more »