Dealing with debt is never a pleasant experience for anyone. Broadly speaking, debt utilization is actually a great way to grow your finances when used properly. Unfortunately, most people misuse debt. In most cases, it’s lack of financial knowledge that causes problems, says 2023 ThreeBestRated® Award Winner Victor Fong, President of Fong and Partners Inc…. Read more »
Posts Categorized: Financial Services
Risks of Charter School Finance Projects
Charter schools are publicly funded and have the freedom to be innovative and flexible in their educational approach, as long as they meet certain performance standards. Starting a charter school project involves taking on various risks that can impact the success of the project. These risks can include schedule risks, such as difficulty in obtaining… Read more »
Insurance Lounge Revolutionizes The Process For Choosing & Purchasing The Best Health Insurance Plan
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Shopping for health insurance coverage can be overwhelming. There are multiple types of plans, and it’s difficult to know which one is the right fit. The Insurance Lounge has made it its goal to simplify as much as possible the health insurance search, selection, and purchase process for all individuals and families who are searching… Read more »
Top Tier Financial Institution Clients Continue to Invest in TAINA
The TAINA Team is thrilled to have successfully raised another round of funding with the participation from HSBC Asset Management, Deutsche Bank CVC, SIX FinTech Ventures and Anthemis. In Q1 of 2023, TAINA is looking forward to welcoming other Top Tier Global Financial Institutions as investors and clients, details will be disclosed in due course…. Read more »
Vibrato leads the charge to make it easier for the self-employed to get mortgages
Buying a home is part of the American Dream. However, achieving that vision can be challenging. Self-employment and entrepreneurship can add obstacles when trying to get a home. This is a challenge that is only growing with a rapid growth rate within the workforce now identifying as self-employed. Overcoming this challenge is where Vibrato comes… Read more »