
Boom Connections Launches App Designed to Connect Those Left Out of Social Media Revolution

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Research agrees baby boomer and other older people choose not to use Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms for a wide range of good reasons. Like not understanding how they work, not wanting their privacy invaded or just feeling they aren’t directed at meeting their needs. The problem is social media increasingly the best (and maybe even only) way to reliably stay in touch with younger family members. The good news is Australian startup Boom Connections recently launched their solution to this problem, a mobile app developed to help connect the many left out of the social media revolution and make it easier for families to share messages, experiences and memories in a way that’s not intrusive, but fun, private and simple to understand and use.

“For many people the missing part of the social media experience has been family,” commented Nick Cartledge, Founder and CEO of the company. “It’s been great to stay hooked up with friends old and new. But when it comes to older parents and grandparents many or even most just don’t get it. We are solving that problem and think Boom Connections will make many families communicate much more often and in a way everyone enjoys and feels comfortable with.”

According to Boom Connections, the social app allows a person to become a “follower” who can then subscribe to the people they are interested in who acts as “authors”. Then whenever a Boom Author posts to their Facebook or Instagram account this will also show up, in chronological order, on their followers’ Boom Connections, free from all of the other confusing and annoying things many consider Facebook and Instagram to also deliver. They will just be able to simply stay connected and in tune with what the younger people in their lives are doing and saying. There are no “friend requests” from unknown people, since that’s only possible with people who the Boom user has given their email address and told they were on the Boom Connections platform. There’s also no information to hack.

A robust chat feature is also present for those who would like to connect a little deeper than just looking at photos and reading posts.

To learn more about Boom Connections be sure to visit

About Boom Connections

Boom Connections is a social media app that bridges the gap between generations with an easy solution for both parties. For those who want to see and share in the memories of the family without the other aspects of public social media its a break through.

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Name: Nick Cartledge
Phone: +61418580060