
Blockchain Awards Announced: The Blocks – held in Amsterdam in June

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Blockchain awards called the The Blocks have been announced today by the  Blockchain Expo, taking place in Amsterdam Wednesday 27th June 2018. The inaugural awards will showcase the excellence within blockchain technologies, where experts and influencers will congregate to celebrate a fantastic evening.

The awards are free to enter. Entry deadline Friday 27th April 2018

Submit your entry:

The Blocks are designed to recognise outstanding strategy, application, and effectiveness of blockchain technologies. Open to brands, ICO’s, technology providers, consultancies, strategists, developers and individual innovators, the awards provide the opportunity to be recognised as a thought-leader in your respective industry.

Judging the awards will be;

Vincent Doumeizel – Vice President Food & Sustainability, Lloyd’s Register

Richard Kastelein – Founder, Blockchain News

Erik Beijnoff – Business Development Manager, Spotify

Richard Crook – Head of Emerging Technology, RBS

Thomas Power – Board Member, 9 Spokes

Tiana Laurence – Author, Blockchain for Dummies

Nick Ayton – Independent, Blockchain Author

Winners will be celebrated at The Blocks awards ceremony. Entrees to the awards will attend for free.

To find out more visit:

About Blockchain Expo

Blockchain Expo brings together industry leaders within finance, retail, insurance, energy, and more. Taking to Silicon Valley, London, and Europe, delegates are invited to attend keynotes, panels and case studies, as well as explore the exhibition hall. Co-located with sister events AI & Big Data Expo, Cyber Security & Cloud Expo and IoT Expo, Blockchain Expo is a fantastic environment for networking and learning about the most disruptive technologies.

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