
Best Thriller Magazine Says Novelist Ron Barak’s “The Amendment Killer” is Best Thriller of 2017

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Best-selling novelist, Ron Barak’s thriller “The Amendment Killer” has been pegged by Best Thriller Magazine as the best thriller of 2017.  Representatives of the magazine recently stated, “Set among the hallowed chambers of the Supreme Court of the United States, Ron Barak’s new thriller begins as Thomas T. Thomas III stalks Justice Arnold Hirschfeld’s granddaughter. Kidnapping eleven-year-old diabetic Cassie Webber isn’t going to be easy. There’s no demand for money. Instead, Thomas wants to sway Hirschfeld’s critical vote on the Supreme Court’s determination of the validity of 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – one that would criminalize abuse of political power. And if Justice Hirschfeld doesn’t comply? Thomas won’t kill the girl. He won’t have to. He’ll simply deny the diabetic youngster the insulin she needs to live.

With that, Barak beautifully sets the stage for a high-stakes legal thriller that is easily the best we’ve read this year. Former courtroom attorney Barak, who is also diabetic, expertly tells the story from alternating points of view. Barak could easily have chosen more obviously explosive legal topics, such as Roe v. Wade, or a contested presidential election. His decision to aim for more intellectually stimulating fare is refreshing, and by the time the final page is turned, readers will have learned a lot about why the issue is so important. Highly recommended.”

Barak has garnered praise for his generosity as well as his talent. THE AMENDMENT KILLER, from the Brooks/Lotello series, will benefit prominent national diabetes organizations who are applauding Barak’s generosity. Barbara Davis, the founder of Children’s Diabetes Foundation, said of his efforts, “The donations are so greatly appreciated, including Ron’s wonderful portrayal of young Cassie Webber in his thriller ‘The Amendment Killer.’ What a great example Cassie offers to all of our children.” To see more of what these organizations say about Barak, go to 

Best Thriller Magazine joins a chorus of voices giving advance praise to the novel. “Tense, Timely, and Terrific.” Lee Child. “Might well serve as a primer for the commercial legal thriller.” John Lescroart. “An unparalleled sense of terror forewarned on the opening page.” Andrew Gross.  “Manages to channel the best of John Grisham and David Baldacci.” Jon Land. “Combining contemporary, timely themes with a classic moral dilemma, this novel entertains and educates.” K.J. Howe, “Timely, fast-paced, and heartfelt, you’ll mourn the turning of the last page.” Anthony Franze. “Captivating, chilling and clever, gripping every parent by the throat.” Sandra Brannan. “It’s timely, tense, and a perfect read in these uncertain times.” Foreword Reviews. “From the vantage point of one who has spent many years in Washington, D.C.THE AMENDMENT KILLER is a terrific, timely and remarkably accurate portrayal of modern-day political dysfunction centered in our capital.”  Dennis DeConcini, United States Senator, Ret

About Ron Barak

Ron Barak is an Olympic athlete, law school honors graduate, an experienced courtroom lawyer, and himself a diabetic, Barak is uniquely qualified to write this suspenseful novel which will appeal to all political and legal thriller aficionados. Ron and his wife, Barbie, and the four-legged members of their family reside in Pacific Palisades, California. For more about Ron and his writing, go to

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