Been There, Done That. Lessons Learned from Implementing a UBI Telematics Program
Industry: Financial Services
Seminar series brings nations top usage-based insurance experts together to discuss what it takes to successfully implement a UBI program. Boston Club, October 14
Northeast, United States (PRUnderground) September 29th, 2014
We’ve all seen the statistics. Telematics and UBI are exploding at an exponential rate. From 1.85 million insured enrolled in a UBI program in 2010, to nearly 90 million projected in 2017 (ABI Research). Telematics will transform auto insurance. Is your company prepared to capitalize on the future of Usage Based Insutance?
Enjoy lunch with a panel of industry experts who have real-life experience in delivering a successful UBI Telematics program from pilot to national roll-out. This complimentary luncheon series delivers the unvarnished information and knowledge you need before launching your own UBI Program:
- Leverage real-life experience from a top ten carrier’s production roll-out – what worked, what failed. And why.
- How to accelerate time to market
- Realize an optimized ROI
- The fundamental science behind social media and gamification and how they are fundamental for client adption, retention, and engagement
- Learn about the future of automated crash detection and eFNOL and why they are essential to competitieveness
Seminar and luncheon is designed to be intimate and interactive – limited to thirty guests.
COMPLIMENTARY and exclusively for insurance professionals only
October 14 | Boston | Boston College Club
November 4| Los Angeles | City Club LA
December 16| Dallas | Tower Club
Sponsored by Sprint and HiMEX
About HiMEX
HiMEX Game Changing telematics technology is the shortest, fastest and most complete route to the benefits of usage based insurance, smart fleet management and instant, electronic connected claims.
The HiMEX UBI 3D platform incorporates a gamification layer that drastically increases user engagement. Powered by the HIMEX 3D Virtual World, real or virtual game-based incentives & rewards are used to change driving behavior, heighten consumer satisfaction and reduce the financial impact of claims.