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Govil recently developed a new microsite on everything pertaining to surfing, which can be found at https://www.anoukgovilsurfing.com/. The site now includes a page called “Surfing Etiquette,” which is available at https://www.anoukgovilsurfing.com/surfing-etiquette/. Govil said he decided to add this page to the site because he realized that many newcomers to the sport lack a full understanding of the dos and the don’ts of surfing. The page can also serve as a comprehensive reminder for people who have been surfing for a while and may have forgotten the sport’s rules, according to Govil.
For instance, through the site, readers can learn about how the principle of right-of-way works in surfing, just as it works on roadways. Specifically, readers can about the proper way in which to paddle while in the water to avoid making enemies while surfing.
The page additionally offers insights into the concepts of snaking and dropping in. For example, Govil uses the Web page to explain that snaking is the process of working one’s way around fellow surfers who have already established priority. He also explains how dropping in occurs when a surfer decides to join a wave that another surfer has already claimed. Govil uses the new Web page to explain that these practices are disrespectful and potentially dangerous in the water, as they may lead to injuries and damaged boards.
All in all, the purpose of Govil’s surfing-focused website is to encourage more people to delve into surfing or hone their surfing skills. He said he hopes that the site provides users with the information and motivation they need to maximize their experiences in the water from one wave to the next.
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