
Animiz Introduced Marketing Video Software to Aid Businesses in Strong Marketing Campaigns

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Marketers generally find it difficult to come up with new and engaging ways to provide the desired traffic and exposure towards their products. This happens as online marketing efforts have seen cut-throat competition lately. Animiz, tone of the leading software development companies, has come up with a possible solution to this issue in the form of their new marketing video software.

Stressing on the need of providing maximum product exposure for increase in sales, the company officials said that creating a professional and eye-catching video for marketing purposes can be a decisive factor when marketing online. “This new software has been equipped with powerful in-built functions for creating a stand out marketing video and its ease of use makes it perfect for all users”, the company officials said.

Explaining further about the various functionalities and features of this marketing animation software, Jerry Fong, designer of Animiz said, “Presenting the campaign through characters in animated videos is the best way to make viewers relate themselves to the product and thus, we’ve provided a well-organized library of various characters for the designers to choose from. Not only this, we’ve made it easier for all to locate various images, actors and all support articles by categorizing them under specific names.” He further said that the software comes with powerful video editor for making any modification to the video. Also, its drag and drop feature makes it simple for anyone to create the professional looking videos without requiring any knowledge about codes, designing or programming.

While creating the video is one half of the process, making it available to maximum people online is the other. The company officials, however, mentioned that the software uses cloud storage for keep these videos and to make them available online. “Users are allowed to upload the videos directly to the cloud. Thus, a large number of viewers can easily watch them on Animiz website. These videos can also be shared on various platforms through the link, which Animiz creates automatically”, they explained.

The makers of Animiz have made sure to come up with a tool that makes the marketing videos much more attractive and effective than ever before. In an era of maintaining a strong online presence, Animiz marketing video software, also named promotion video software,  can turn out to be the differentiating factor between an excellent and an ordinary marketing video, and hence, the sales.

About Animiz

Animiz Software Co.Ltd is a young and energetic software development company to develop the powerful animated video presentation software. Animiz is the professional animated video software that helps to create animated video presentations, video advertisement, explainer videos, animated gifs and more. It is free to download and provides the free platform for publishing.

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