6 Great Press Release Topic Ideas to Consider for December

Industry: Press Release Tips

(PRUnderground) December 12th, 2016

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A lot of the reasons we do press releases are to communicate our company’s growth and positive activities throughout the year, but sometimes it is hard to come up with new topics each month. So we brainstormed 6 great ideas for press releases that make sense in December.

  1. Charitable Activities: Maybe your company donates to a charity in the holiday season. Maybe you participate in a fundraising event for a good cause. Maybe some of your employees are involved in great charitable activities. These are all perfect topics in December, the season of giving, to show your company has a heart (as well as a great product or service).
  2. Seasonal Sales (B2C): Obviously a lot of us do holiday shopping in December, so this is the time to highlight a new product that might be the perfect gift for a friend or loved one. It is hard to compete with all of the other Christmas and Hanukkah sales going on in terms of SEO and Google, but it is still an easy and quick message to put out there on to the web and social media.
  3. Corporate Spending (B2B): Many businesses have budget in December that hey will ‘use or lose’ by the end of the year. If you have a product or service that would be a good fit for businesses, a press release can help get the word out about it on the web. Maybe you can catch the interest of that business manager looking to use the last of her/his budget for the year.
  4. Company Growth: People like winners, so if your company has had nice revenue growth and customer successes this year, announce it. Clients, potential clients, partners, and employees will be interested in hearing about your company’s success (and more confident buying from you or working with you). If you want to be very specific about your growth, this one may make more sense in January once you have year-end numbers in.
  5. Awards: Whether you gave out a year-end award to a client or employee or your business won an award, this is a great positive topic to use as the subject of a press release at the end of the year.
  6. Upcoming Launches or Product Updates: A lot of companies will launch something new in the coming year, or make improvements to their existing products or services. A press release can be a good way to build excitement for what’s coming for your company in 2017.


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