Multimedia Announces New All-Inclusive Pricing on Already Discounted Data.

Industry: Advertising & Marketing

Plus incentives for brokers: Get a $25 Amazon Gift Card for any order of $250 and a $50 Amazon Gift Card for any order with 20,000 records or more.

North Carolina, USA (PRUnderground) February 12th, 2018

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As an incentive not only to try but to continue to use their responsive compiled data, Multimedia Lists announces an all inclusive pricing structure! NEVER pay for any selects on already deeply discounted data.

Introducing the USA Consumer Insight file. With over 226,000,000 individuals, and 115,000,000 households. You’ll never pay more than the already low base price of $25/M …no matter how many selects you choose! With a minimum order at only $250 and no charge for shipping , how can you pass it up?

Says Daniel Klibanoff, owner of Multimedia “Don’t pay more for compiled consumer data! Let Multimedia help you put some extra profit into your pocket, and your client’s as well!!”

Multimedia has low cost solutions that will help you get a lot more records for your campaigns, and a lot more padding in your profits. Let their experts help you today!

As an added incentive for brokers, Get a $25 Amazon Gift Card for any order of $250 and a $50 Amazon Gift Card for any order with 20,000 records or more!!

Consider trying Compiled Data!  There is a good possibility that you may be wasting money on higher priced response lists that reach an audience you could easily target with some savvy selecting, thus saving yourself some upfront costs.

Take advantage of Multimedia’s “No Cost for Selects” Compiled Data Service — if you are not sure of your target demographic or would like some help thinking out of the box, call Daniel at 1-256-468-LIST(5478). His strength lies in decades of experience looking at data and finding new customers for many happy clients!

Email for more information regarding this release or any of the other new services they are offering.

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