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Chinese cyloastragenol capsules denounced by Mackenzie Protocol

Industry: Health & Fitness

British pioneer of a telomere activator at is fed up with vested interests and closed shop mentality

United Kingdom (PRUnderground) November 2nd, 2013

Tony Mackenzie is the owner of The Mackenzie Protocol and 21st Century Alternatives at and he has vehemently denounced sellers of cycloastragenol capsules containing cheap fillers and the dubious quality of capsule contents.

He claims that, amidst all the hype over cycloastragenol, some Chinese sellers distributing to the West are taking advantage of buyers who judge products on price instead of true value.

He claims that the cycloastragenol powder inside many Asian supplied capsules are issued with fraudulent certification supposedly claiming that the contents have been verified by a USA source.

“There is something going on here that I don’t understand” he says, because the certifier in question privately told me that the certificates being published by a certain Chinese supplier were “fraudulent.” I am not lying I have the email from them to prove it.”

He goes on to say “However, it is strange that when I attempted to set up a supply line from them they wouldn’t give me permission to publish their own certificate for the products they were going to supply to us or to publish their claim about the Chinese supplier because, they claimed, they didn’t want “controversy” and henceforth have declined to deal with me or reply to my emails since I wrote to their CEO. Naturally, I then sourced the raw powder for our capsules elsewhere at a different USA verified source.”

“Many strange goings on like this have occurred since we pioneered HTA98™ in 2010 and have shown that there has been a closed shop mentality operating for some years over this substance with manipulation by vested interests” he believes that this mentality has also been behind a number of libelous and untrue postings on the Internet since that time.” he claims.

He also reaffirms that he runs an honest and ethical company with quality products without the use of fillers and states “our capsules contain only active natural herbs and extracts with a proven background in scientific research.”

He further states “Because we offer the lowest priced cycloastragenol based capsules in the world at a high quality level, we are having the last laugh and our worldwide sales are now growing exponentially amongst resellers that include wellness centres , doctors and other medical professionals worldwide. We have also recently been approached by some large funding interests who are interested in buying a controlling interest in my company. We also have a dormant British PLC ready to launch if and when this happens. I am reserving judgement until all the latest new products and exponential growth shows consistent returns.”

He says that he “hates to see buyers making judgements based purely on “bucket” prices instead of overall value and I am saddened when I see them being taken advantage of by unscrupulous sellers, but fortunately many of the buyers who previously got lured away by the Chinese competition are now returning to us and we have even been selling our products to resellers in Asia, including China.”

Tony Mackenzie announces that he will soon be launching a new potent telomere lengthening transdermal spray together with home saliva test kits for measuring biological aging at the cellular level.

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